We always try to picture our items as good as possible, to show you any imperfections or damages if there are any. The pictures take a big part in the description, so please view them carefully before purchasing. Before purchasing an item please make sure you ask us for a quote by sending us your postcode, if you are happy with the quotation we will go ahead and schedule. The courier that will be delivering your item will require help to unload, the price that will be quoted will always be based on this assumption.
However if you have a working elevator and the item fits inside, then there should be no extra charge. We offer to coordinate and schedule deliveries to the rest of the world, all you need to do is send us your Postcode/Zip-code and we will send you a quote. Vintage period and original items such as leather seating will always have natural patina in the form of cracking, creasing and wear.We recommend regular waxing to ensure no moisture is lost and keep out of sun light. For Hand-Dyed leather items, we don't recommend that you place them in direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time as they will dry out and fade. For wood, we recommend a regular thorough clean and waxing also.